We can not forget
Peace Be Upon You
Sincerly we can not forget ! what we can't forget ? Hiroshima, Nagazaki, twenty five millions of Russian death during second world war. We can not forget the hate of West establishment for Islamic law in private and public life.
The Ong and the West government always impose theirs secular laws to Islamic world in the human right or women right and economic market.
Why the West institutions forget the principles of democracy with Muslims people ? They protest against slauteghring in south or west Sudan in the security council but non one from the great superpower say anything about the dramatic situation of Muslim in Ighour. The Chinese authorities killed hundred of Muslims there but non one of great media of West denounce the violations of human right in China against our brothers and sisters in Ighour. We can not forget the partiality of West government in Palestine if it's not their dirty alliance with the Israeli occupation. The West want from Muslims to death in silence without ask for the judgment of the criminals who killed them.
We can forget that the West civilization is seek, seek of it's arrogance and their contempt towards others specially Muslim World and Islam religion. We can not forget and we are proud because we are Muslims, and as Muslims we won't forgive before we claim justice and obtain it.