Israel Defeat
Peace be Upon You
Sincerly, I'm very tired but I enjoy the choice of Russie and Qatar to Mondial 2018 and 2022 !
Really I'm happy for Russian and Qatari people.
Thanks president Lula and president Cristina from Brasil and Argentine, how you are courageous and how it's pity the Arabs regime !!!
Obama president is the worst of American president after of course George Walker Bush !
Our Israeli enemy was shoked by a big a very big fire in jebel Kermal in north Palestine and not Israel, more than 40 Israeli deads !
The fourth military power in the Middle east and Asia isn't ready to make an end to a great fire, ridiculous !
Israel should wait for another a very different big fire, the rage of the oppressed Palestinian people and the angry of all free men through planet earth.
Despite power, richness, technology and military army, Israel is defeat because the justice is the ally of Palestinian.
We don't forget anymore the crimes of Israel, we don't forgiven our Israeli enemy.
Defeat of Israel in the world can not improve by a campaign of new look. Every citizen in the world now ask Israel :
When you should retreat from Palestine 67 ?
When should Palestinian Refugees return to palestine 48 ?
When zionist Israeli understand that the era of their supremacy is end ?
I know very well this truth, the beginning of the end of Usa and Israel is start. Really it's a tragedy but world now can survive without Israel and Usa must choose between two choices to respect the foundations of the United States of America and the recommandations of president George Washington in his last discourse to the American Nation or the second choice to disappear from the world.